Saturday, February 13, 2010

Questions To Be Asked at the Forum

These are the issues from which the questions for the Candidates will be drawn. Please feel free to make additions, revisions, and corrections at the Comments box or send to (note: the list was based on the Pastoral Letter of Bishop Chito Tagle for the 2007 Elections (April 29, 2007):

Mr/Mrs candidate, if elected to the position of__________ this May 2010 Election, what is your stand and your policies with respect to the following urgent issues?

1. a comprehensive plan to protect ecology and integrity of creation in Tagaytay to keep it clean and suitable for healthy living, and to conserve Tagaytay’s agriculture.

2. a vigorous program to protect the dignity, rights and livelihood of Tagaytay’s laborers, farmers, tenants, vendors, women and poor settlers.

3. a clear program to safeguard the institution of the family and family values in the face of cultural changes.

4. a viable program for the education of the out-of school youth.

5. a program for making health service available and affordable in Tagaytay.

6. rejection and eradication of jueteng and illegal gambling in Tagaytay.

7. rejection and eradication of receiving and giving bribes.

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